Contact us


To register a compliment, please use the link below.

Click Here

General Enquiry

For general enquiries, please call the school on 01794 512334. Alternatively, you can email us on the link below.



To register an informal complaint, please use the link below. To register a formal complaint, please complete the form found in our Complaints Policy and email this to

Click Here

Pupil Absence

Absence should be reported using Studybugs - see the banner above or click here.

Contact our staff team:

The school office is normally open in term time from 08.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday and the school day is 08.45am to 3.00pm excluding after- and before-school clubs and activities (31.25 hours weekly).

Please address the below to the member of staff concerned using our lines of communication & escalation here.  We endeavor to respond to all emails within three working days.

Separate email addresses with a comma.

The Romsey School

Greatbridge, Romsey, SO51 8ZB
01794 512334


SENDCo: Mrs. K. Thomas

Careers: Miss J. Phillipps

The Gateway Trust

The Romsey School is part of 

The Gateway Trust

CEO: Mrs. G Harrison-Jones