
Where do our leavers go?

Every year we have to provide this information to the government and we are judged on the number of pupils that move on successfully to "Destinations" that are appropriate for them and include the required continued educational content. 

Around Easter time each year the process of collecting data starts in earnest when schools are asked to record the "Intended Destinations" of all Year 11 pupils and at Romsey we track the applications that all our pupils have made very carefully to ensure that no-one misses out on any help that they might need to put their future plans into action. Pupils are also sent a form to complete at this time which gives Hampshire County Council permission to feed back data to the schools in keeping with GDPR requirements. 

In September as soon as possible data is collected about where every pupil has finally decided to register and again any missing pupils are followed up as there is a very small window during which we can help pupils apply for any remaining vacancies at college or on training schemes. We care that our pupils have found something that they want to do and will help them move on to their next steps. If a pupil has not made any plans at this stage or changes their mind after a few days on a course they need to react quickly so that we can find a suitable alternative for them rather than them having to wait for a whole year to re-apply to a different college or course. We support pupils trying to find apprenticeships but always advise that they apply for a college course in the same vocational area so that if a suitable work placement has not been found over the summer then they have something lined up as an alternative. Pupils need not make a final decision about their destination until they receive their GCSE results. 

Most of out pupils go on to college and we are lucky to have about 15 institutions that pupils can choose from depending on where they live, the next level of course that is going to be suitable for them or in some cases the only place that offers a very specific course. Attendance at different colleges varies from year to year, sometimes dependent on the number of pupils who are based in Romsey or Southampton and therefore often choose to stay nearer to home for choice of college. The two colleges that attract the largest numbers of our pupils are Barton Peveril and Peter Symonds Colleges and this has been the case for the last 23 years - which is the number of years I have been recording this data.

Destinations 2021

2021 Leaver Destinations

College Destinations of 2021 Leavers

As far as apprenticeships are concerned there has been a huge drive by the government in recent years to promote these and indeed companies who have a sufficiently large wage bill and who therefore pay an apprenticeship levy are more inclined to set up schemes as this ensures they get value for money. What is not always apparent is that apprenticeships are available for any age group, not just school or college leavers and are expanding in the range and levels available including some at Degree level.

Arguably an able school or college candidate could get themselves a really worthy apprenticeship with a top flight company and find themselves sponsored all the way though Higher Education whilst also receiving a salary. Competition for the higher apprenticeships is fierce for this reason. 

A lot of support is available to our pupils who are seeking apprenticeships as some pupils underestimate the determination needed to find a suitable work placement and need help to continue to make speculative approaches to companies that interest them. In 2021 12 of our pupils gained apprenticeships on leaving us and these were in General Construction (2) , Hairdressing (2), Finance and Pensions, Plastering, Pharmacy, Plumbing and Heating, HGV Mechanics, Accounting, Landscape Gardening and Football.